

OnStage Los Angeles — What Matters Now?/!

“Possibly the most effective playlet of the evening, ‘High School Intifada’ by Cary Gitter, features Caroline Klidonas as Rivvy, a high school girl with strong opinions…Klidonas is particularly strong…

Stage Raw — All Night Long

“Klidonas, on the other hand, projects confidence as Tammy, although the character is unsure of who she really is. A monologue wherein she turns what should be a disturbing recollection of her father sexually abusing her into bragging is expertly done.”

KCRW 89.9 FM — All Night Long

“The art of the production, led by director Jan Munroe and a brilliant ensemble of actors, is that they manage to keep this bizarre world profoundly grounded... While this cast fully embodies the comedy of the piece, they also manage to give it a deep soul that makes All Night Long heartbreaking."

Stage Raw — One Year Later

“Although most of the pieces have standard plots, there are a few that include dance (“Empire Dreams” by Caroline Klidonas, directed by Barbara Schofield and choreographed by Tony Testa)…The variety added by the performance art keeps the theme fresh throughout the evening.”